Our Personal, Social And Health Education (PSHE) programmes aim to reinforce and support parents in preparing their children for growing up. We teach about the nature and value of personal relationships and issues promoting citizenship.  It is true to say that our warm, caring family ethos underpins everything we do as a school.

Our PSHE lessons take place each week but also fluidly. Each PSHE lesson from Reception to Year 6, provides a valuable opportunity for children  to get together to discuss important issues. These issues may be planned or as a response to something happening in class, our community or the wider world. 

Relevant social issues such as drug awareness, diversity and the importance of a healthy lifestyle become an integral and important part of our children’s learning. Our aim is to develop in our children a positive self-image, confidence and high self-esteem and recognition that our society includes everybody, thus developing an awareness of their own social responsibilities.
Penketh Primary PHSE SEAL Overview